New Year, New Me!

Every January 1st we say “New Year, New Me” and we all know damn well that this is never 100% true. Yes we may have New Years resolutions but how many of those do we keep and aren’t they the same every year; get fit, join a gym, learn a new skill, go on holiday etc. come on lets stop lying to ourselves.

This year I decided that instead of New Year resolutions I am going to set smaller goals throughout the year. Whether they be weekly or monthly goals. I find by setting smaller goals that are more realistic you will have more motivation to actually achieve these goals if the end of the road doesn’t seem too far away.

As I was away over New Year, I am starting my goal setting tonight, for Monday! This week I have only set a few goals as doing less with help you achieve more! If you set 2 goals and achieve 2 goals in a week you will have more motivation to achieve more goals the following week. Whereas if you set 5 and only do 2 or 3 you will think you have failed. Start small and move your way up.

My goals for this week are:

  • Attend 2 PT sessions
  • Plan out 2 blog posts

I feel as though these goals are achievable and by giving myself 7 days to do them makes it that much easier! Don’t make your goals hard for yourself, in the end you want to achieve them don’t you??


What are your goals for 2017?!!